T-Shirts in Sporting Events | The Adair Group https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog Just another WordPress weblog Thu, 22 Feb 2024 06:29:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 Which Blank T-Shirts are Best for Screen Printing? https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/blank-t-shirts-screen-printing/ https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/blank-t-shirts-screen-printing/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2017 08:00:23 +0000 http://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/?p=2492 Choosing the right color, fabric and style for screen printing a t-shirt is not as simple as you might think. After all, it is extremely frustrating to spend the time, money and effort on adding a design to a t-shirt only to have it fade and disappear after being subjected to the rigors of the […]

The post Which Blank T-Shirts are Best for Screen Printing? first appeared on The Adair Group.

rotary screen printing machine

Choosing the right color, fabric and style for screen printing a t-shirt is not as simple as you might think. After all, it is extremely frustrating to spend the time, money and effort on adding a design to a t-shirt only to have it fade and disappear after being subjected to the rigors of the washing and drying cycle in your laundry.

This is especially important to businesses wanting to project a professional image. They need to know their logo and design will stand the test of time, continuing to help promote their brand in a positive manner.

What is the difference?

T-shirt fabric is generally one of three types: natural (cotton or ringspun cotton), synthetic and man-made (polyester or nylon) or a mix/blend of the two.

You might think that regardless of the material selected, the image you choose will appear exactly the same. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The key thing to remember is the way in which these materials are made. Synthetic or man-made materials are actually made from plastics and oils like polymers and are combined in a chemical reaction via condensation.

How does screen printing work?

When you screen print, you are applying ink through a silk screen onto fabric by means of pressure.  The silk screen fabric works like a stencil with areas of varying permeability, and by pushing the ink through, you can create complex patterns.

It is important to utilize a blank t-shirt for your screen printing, as the image selected is superimposed upon whatever is already on the t-shirt. Any other images already on the t-shirt could overpower or conflict with your screen printed image.

The best material for screen printing t-shirts

While you might think all materials will work, some of them are simply unsuitable for screen printing. Synthetic fibers, being made from oils in essence, generally act to repel water. This is why they are so good for exercise gear, but because of the process used to screen print t-shirts, they will not accept an image as well as cotton fibers.

Cotton, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for screen printing, as it will absorb the colors.  Choosing the right color or blend of cotton is key, though as while 100% cotton is best for the image, it might not always suit your particular needs and requirements.

Ringspun cotton or regular cotton?

What about ringspun cotton? Is it a man-made fabric? While it is newer and the term is not as familiar, the main difference between the fabrics is not what it is made of, but rather how it is made.

The term “ring spinning” specifically speaks to the process of creation, where the yarn is made by straightening, thinning and softening the cotton strands. The difference in feel and weight between the two types is easily noticeable.

cotton mill weaving machines

Ringspun cotton is stronger and longer lasting than regular cotton, but because the creation process is more difficult and complex, it is also more expensive.

With regards to the overall best material for screen printing, thicker materials are better, as they tend to absorb more ink with richer and more vibrant colors.

Black, white or something in between?

Choosing a color is not as simple as you might think. You also need to determine who will be wearing your t-shirt and the environment they will be wearing it in.

Choosing a black t-shirt or any colored t-shirt very much depends on the logo and design being used. It is important to ensure the image is visible and clearly identifiable.

t shirts drying on hangers

Conversely, white t-shirts are excellent in high visibility situations where you want the image to pop. With white t-shirts, you can almost guarantee all of the colors in your image will be vibrant, crisp and bright.


Is there one right answer to the question “which blank t-shirt is the best for screen printing?” The t-shirt you choose depends on the image you are trying to project, the audience you are trying to reach and the way you want it to look and feel. There are many different options available, and you should consider how your image will look on the t-shirt.

Keep comfort and durability in mind, as you want it to be worn and used, but also consider where it will be worn and for what purpose.  Remember cotton is available as 100% cotton, ringspun cotton or a mix of cotton and another man-made fabric (for example 60/40 cotton/poly), so you have options.

Higher quality lasts longer and will give you a bigger bang for your buck, so remember that when making your choice.

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How to Start a Softball League Together https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/how-to-start-a-softball-league-together/ https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/how-to-start-a-softball-league-together/#respond Fri, 02 Dec 2016 18:23:00 +0000 http://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/?p=2254 From the youngest of athletes to seniors hoping to stay active, one immovable fact spans the life cycle—things are more fun when you get a free t-shirt. Road races, volunteer opportunities, team sports—you name it, the t-shirt makes it. Softball leagues are no exception. The uniform, however informal, inspires a sense of unity, pride in […]

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How to start a softball leauge together

Womens Softball TeamFrom the youngest of athletes to seniors hoping to stay active, one immovable fact spans the life cycle—things are more fun when you get a free t-shirt. Road races, volunteer opportunities, team sports—you name it, the t-shirt makes it. Softball leagues are no exception. The uniform, however informal, inspires a sense of unity, pride in athletic ability, and serves as a beacon to all: “I’ve earned free pizza after the game I’ve played.”

If you’re hoping to create this opportunity for bonding and athleticism for others, there are a great many things you’ll need to know before getting started. But, fear not: we’ve collected our best tips for getting your league off the ground. Trust us. T-shirts are only the beginning.

Benefits of starting a softball leauge

Benefits of Starting a Softball League

Few Americans, whether they are knowledge workers or physical laborers, would tell you they have an abundance of free time. Life is busy, full to the brim with obligations and activities, and adding a commitment to a softball league might seem like one more thing added to their long to-do lists. As you seek to recruit interested players, which is the first big hurdle in creating a successful league, you’ll want to be able to share what their time and energy will give them in the long run. Here are a few suggestions for ways to “sell” friends and colleagues on this grand experiment.



The Gallup organization reported in 2016 that just 32% of employees nationwide reported feeling engaged and connected to their work in their polling data from the prior year. This means that, in a given group of 10 friends or colleagues, just over three feel they’re making a meaningful contribution with their work. With as much time as we spend in the office, that’s a sad statistic. While some may seek to combat this feeling of disengagement by switching jobs or even career paths, others might seek to find diversions in their non-working hours that help their lives feel rewarding. A softball league could create such an environment.

Most employees feel disengaged

Especially if the imagined league is one designed to bring colleagues together (either in one organization or across an industry), these out-of-office opportunities help players show sides of one another that may not present themselves at work. Further, the orientation toward a common goal can help players cultivate a team mindset and uncover hidden skills and talents—hidden, perhaps, even from the individual themselves! Tap into this skill discovery by letting members pick official post-game hangouts, or design team shirts or even some of the more contentious rules.


Healthy competition

Healthy Competition

While competition sometimes has an outlet in the workplace, it tends to be looked down upon there. Most of us really only see the competitive nature at work when it evolves into a hyper-competitive spirit, more closely resembling ruthlessness. This type of competitive nature can be toxic in large doses, no matter where it arises. By providing an outlet where a competitive spirit is valued and even necessary, team members can channel that “get ahead” energy into a new endeavor.



For those seeking to build an exercise routine into a busy lifestyle, the dedicated schedule of team practices and games could be an enticing alternative to group fitness classes or hours toiling away in the gym. It’s true that softball isn’t the most strenuous of sports, but it could be a good start for someone needing a social and structured entry into a fitness regimen. Most of us sit all day. Why not take the time to bat, field, and run when we can?

souting and recruiting players

Baseball in gloveScouting and Recruiting Players

Once you’ve settled on the idea of creating a softball league, your first task will be to answer the big question: Who else is in for a journey through the season with you? It can be hard to drum up numbers at first, but sharing the benefits of participation listed above, as well as others that you could tailor as needed, can help make the case for others to join your cause.

As you’re scouting your surroundings, keep in mind that levels of ability could—and should—vary widely. Do you want to build a league that favors more skilled and competitive players? Or is it designed more for fun and camaraderie, leaving space for less practiced but highly enthusiastic individuals?

As you gain steam and popularity, you can consider dividing the league up based on the level of play. But, at the outset, seek to balance the needs of many different types of players for your best chance at success and robust participation.

solidifying rules and challenge processes

Solidifying Rules and Challenge Processes

Will you be playing fast-pitch or slow-pitch? What will be the gender makeup of teams? How many players must be present for a game to proceed? All of these questions, and more, will need to be answered as you outline the rules of your league. Rules can be informed by the age and skill level of players, the confines of facilities available, availability or non-availability of referees/umpires, or even the familiarity of players with the game.

Again, it will be crucial to set and uphold rules in relation to the level of skill your league caters to. Too-strict or obscure rules will alienate players seeking only to have fun; too lax or abstract rules could cause more skilled players to pull away. As with recruitment, balance is the name of the game, here. Playpass puts it simply when they advise to use rules “that are clearly stated and consistently applied.”

Hand in hand with creating a rule structure for your league is creating a formal means to challenge those rules. If someone feels they were wrongfully called “out,” what are their options to challenge the ruling? If a ball flies out of a discernible “foul/fair” area, how do you decide which is the right call?

Although this process can be helped by employing referees or umpires, their judgment can’t be the only way that these challenges are resolved; provide them with a written reference to share in the event of particularly close calls. Find a uniform method, again clearly stated and consistently applied, to resolve these disputes, and do so before they become necessary.

determining a fee structure

Determining a Fee Structure

Starting a sports league has more costs to consider than one might think. In addition to the cost of uniforms, there are also space rental fees, shared equipment costs, payment for referees or umpires who keep your games fair and consistent, and any processing fees that might come from collecting money (think services like PayPal or Venmo).

Check in with other local leagues on how much these costs might run, and check in with your players to see how much they’re willing to spend on participation. Mutual consideration of these costs can help you set a price that is fair and accessible no matter who’s playing in the league. Don’t forget to include costs of a season-end celebration for all who helped you make the league a success!

A route you may want to consider when calculating fees: pursuing a corporate sponsor. If your team is affiliated with a company or industry, you can ask your employer or other employers that players might work for to contribute to league costs. What are some of the benefits to them of sponsorship? Visibility in the community (via apparel, signage, and in-league correspondence), favor in the eye of their employees and the community, and the knowledge that their staff is staying fit and creating bonds that could positively affect their bottom line.

You can also pursue unaffiliated sponsors; think about local businesses that may benefit from a little time in the spotlight. As you prepare to approach these organizations, do research on who they are and what they care about, and provide multiple options for them to contribute.

In addition to providing cash, they can also provide equipment, space for practice or games (this particular benefit often comes at a premium, so take it if it is offered!), or even trophies or prizes for teams at the end of league play. The more creative you can get with prospective donors, the easier it will be to gain their support. With that said, be firm about what you need; if you truly cannot benefit from what an organization is offering, it’s better to part ways respectfully.

Asian Baseball Team

designing producing and distributing shirts

Designing, Producing and Distributing Shirts

Here’s the part that so many of us get excited about: the development and wearing of the team shirt! Anyone who has stood giddy as a coach or volunteer wrestled with that telltale brown cardboard box knows that it’s an excitement that doesn’t flag even when you’re older. In order to ensure that the payoff is big, we have a few reminders for you and the rest of your planning members.

Consider offering additional apparel optionsFirst, take orders in advance and note player sizes before making your order. To spend a season with an ill-fitting shirt, too big or too small, can make a bigger impact than one might expect. Protect from any embarrassment that a notably larger or smaller player might have by allowing them to ensure they have their size when the box opens. Include questions about it in registration paperwork, just in case players want a semblance of privacy around their size choice.

Second, consider building team pride by allowing players or teams in the league to submit designs. Given that players will likely be coming from different walks of life, why not harness the potential creative energy of such a large pool? You’ll have more options than a smaller group of contributors would provide, and it presents the opportunity to honor one of those “hidden talents” we mentioned earlier.

Consider offering additional apparel options, such as hats or sweatshirts, to recognize team captains or managers. This incentive and recognition of the hard work they do beyond just playing will help keep them interested and feeling appreciated. If you want the league to endure for years to come, garnering the support of the hardest workers will make a world of difference when it comes time to decide on another yearlong commitment to the league.

play ball

Play Ball!

At long last, it’s time for the season to begin! What can you do to ensure that the league you’ve worked so hard to build runs smoothly and without incident?

First and foremost, promote sportsmanship. Ensuring that teams can play peacefully, no matter how controversial a game’s stats might yet, will affect the quality of the experience for those on and off the field. Cracking down on things like taunting, referee disrespect, and shady behaviors like cheating or faking injury are important; just as with procedural rules, these incidents should be addressed promptly and consistently across the board.

Make sure you create a plan to address injuries that may occur during play. When players sign up, prompt them to include an emergency contact, as well as insurance information. This way, if a serious incident does happen, you’re able to get them help quickly and notify their designated contact so they’re further comforted in their time of need. Do your best to prevent injury by requiring the use of helmets when at bat and base running, regulating or banning metal cleats, and encouraging mouth guards.

And, last: Have fun! Yes, it is a tremendous amount of work to put together a league like this but make sure to enjoy the season ahead. If you’ve spent time recruiting willing and ready players, set rules that they can trust to be enforced, ensured that there’s space for play and ample equipment, and reinforced that play will be sportsmanlike, the hardest work is already done. Enjoy the fruits of your labor this season, and be sure to spend some time on the field in the rotation, too. You’ve earned it!

The post How to Start a Softball League Together first appeared on The Adair Group.

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Gildan Super Bowl Commercial https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/gildan-super-bowl-commercial/ https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/gildan-super-bowl-commercial/#respond Fri, 08 Feb 2013 09:51:50 +0000 http://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/?p=351 I am sure, like the majority of the nation, you watched the NFL Super Bowl XLVII last weekend where the Baltimore Ravens won against the San Francisco 49ers with a final score of 34-31.  Some people watch the Super Bowl for the football and others watch it for the crazy commercials that air during it.  […]

The post Gildan Super Bowl Commercial first appeared on The Adair Group.

I am sure, like the majority of the nation, you watched the NFL Super Bowl XLVII last weekend where the Baltimore Ravens won against the San Francisco 49ers with a final score of 34-31.  Some people watch the Super Bowl for the football and others watch it for the crazy commercials that air during it.  If you did watch the Super Bowl then no doubt you saw the Gildan commercial that aired.  Gildan is the leading activewear brand in the screenprint business in the United States and Canada.  Not only do they manufacture t-shirts and polo shirts, they are now getting into the underwear and sock industry as well.  They are already a big player in the t-shirt business but now they are trying to become a household name like Hanes and Fruit of the Loom are.  Their commercial that aired during the Super Bowl recently was almost like a coming out party to the rest of the world!

Gildan was founded in Canada in 1984 by the Chamandy family.  At the time, they were managing a children’s clothing manufacturing company and in an effort to reduce costs they decided to produce their own textile.  Their fabric production continued to grow and soon they were outpacing their own demand.  The Chamandy family decided to search for ways to use the extra fabric they were producing.  The screenprint market seemed to be a great opportunity and so they began manufacturing blank t-shirts for printing.

Gildan soon evolved from a fast growing fabric company and eventually became the leader in manufacturing quality basic apparel with their primary business being high volume non-fashion apparel.  Gildan sell t-shirts, fleece and hosiery in large quantities to wholesale distributors like us here at The Adair Group.  If you are looking for quality blank Gildan wholesale t-shirts and other apparel at super low prices we have it!

The post Gildan Super Bowl Commercial first appeared on The Adair Group.

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2012 Olympics…Go Team USA!! https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/olympic-t-shirts/ https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/olympic-t-shirts/#respond Wed, 11 Jul 2012 13:43:09 +0000 http://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/?p=287 The 2012 Summer Olympics are being held in London this time around and start in just a short couple of weeks.  They are being held from July 27th through August 12thand I could not be more excited for them to start.  The Olympic Opening Ceremony show is named ‘Isles of Wonder’ and the worldwide broadcast […]

The post 2012 Olympics…Go Team USA!! first appeared on The Adair Group.

The 2012 Summer Olympics are being held in London this time around and start in just a short couple of weeks.  They are being held from July 27th through August 12thand I could not be more excited for them to start.  The Olympic Opening Ceremony show is named ‘Isles of Wonder’ and the worldwide broadcast will commence at 9pm.  People from all corners of the world will be tuned in to watch the lighting of the torch as well as watching their favorite summer sports and athletes compete for a medal over those next 17 days!

2012 Summer Olympics are Here!

There are 26 medal sports on the Olympic program for the 2012 London Games which include everything from swimming to basketball to cycling to track and field.  I am sure everyone has their certain favorite summer Olympic sport to watch and mine are definitely Gymnastics, Volleyball and Diving.  I am also looking forward to watching a notable new event that has been added to the lineup since the 2008 Beijing Games which is Women’s Boxing in three different weight classes.  Which sports are you most excited to watch at the 2012 London Games? In 1996, the Summer Olympics were held right here in our own backyard of Atlanta, GA.   It was absolutely great having them held here in the United States especially right here in our own city!  Everyone I know to this day still has an olympic t-shirt or some sort of memorabilia commemorating the 1996 Atlanta Summer Games.  It was a very special year for the city of Atlanta and its citizens.  Now I think we are all just waiting for the Olympics to come back to the USA again! I hope everyone enjoys watching the 2012 Summer Olympics! Go Team USA!!

The post 2012 Olympics…Go Team USA!! first appeared on The Adair Group.

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Super Bowl T-Shirts Are Awesome! https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/super-bowl-t-shirts/ https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/super-bowl-t-shirts/#respond Thu, 02 Feb 2012 09:55:45 +0000 http://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/?p=171 It’s that time of year again, Superbowl time!  This year, my beloved Atlanta Falcons did not make it, but I am still eager to watch the game.  Super Bowl XLVI will be between the AFC champion New England Patriotss and the NFC champion New York Giants to decide the National Football League  (NFL) champion for […]

The post Super Bowl T-Shirts Are Awesome! first appeared on The Adair Group.

It’s that time of year again, Superbowl time!  This year, my beloved Atlanta Falcons did not make it, but I am still eager to watch the game.  Super Bowl XLVI will be between the AFC champion New England Patriotss and the NFC champion New York Giants to decide the National Football League  (NFL) champion for the 2011 season. It will be the 42nd annual championship game of the modern-era NFL and is scheduled to be played Sunday, February 5, 2012, at Lucas Oil Stadiumm in Indianapolis, Indiana. Kickoff time is scheduled for approximately 6:30 p.m. EST.

Fans buy super bowl t-shirts to support their favorite team.

For some people, the most exciting part of the game isn’t even the football.  It’s the commercials!  All commercials for the game sold out by Thanksgiving 2011, at an average price of $3.5 million per thirty-second ad, by far the highest rate for Super Bowl advertising in the event’s history.   At least one thirty-second advertisement commanded a price of $4 million.  I saw a sneak preview of a Honda commercial where Matthew Broderick revises his role as Ferris Bueller, the famous character from the 1980’s hit, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.  It was really funny!  I am looking forward to seeing that commercial again, and I always enjoy the Coke/Pepsi commercials as well.

Even if your favorite team is not participating in the game, it is always fun to get  souvenir football t-shirts to commemorate the Superbowl each year.  The New England Patriots colors are navy and red, and the New York Giants colors are blue and red.  These color t-shirts are very popular, and of course black and white t-shirts are popular as well.  These t-shirts are officially licensed by the NFL and are only sold at the stadium, or in select retail stores across the country.

I have been asked recently, “Who do you want to win?”  My answer……GO PATRIOTS!

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