The Adair Group | Resources Wed, 10 May 2023 18:02:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get Creative with Blank Sweatshirts for Fall Mon, 12 Sep 2016 09:42:46 +0000 ]]> sweatshirts-428607_960_720

After a hot summer full of long days, extended adventures, and a shifting routine, there are many reasons to welcome the start of fall. The weather starts to cool down, school and regular schedules begin anew, and wardrobe changes are made. A welcome change for many is the return of long sleeves: jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts. As you welcome sweatshirts back into your repertoire, consider these ideas for making yours stand out among the sea of wearers around you.

 Customize for Back-to-School

For kids and young adults, fall marks back-to-school season. Depending on the age of the youngster, this can be a season of high excitement, or one of dread. Either way, consider making the time a happier one with a high-quality and durable customized sweatshirt.

For younger children, a sweatshirt customized with a name and a favorite character or object could serve the dual purpose of (a) creating something they are excited to wear to school each day, and (b) creating an item that is impossible to lose or confuse for another classmate’s—a common problem in childhood classrooms.

In later years, your child may not want to do this. No problem, for college is a place that undoubtedly appreciates a good sweatshirt! Consider embroidering a blank crew-neck or hoodie with your college-bound student’s college crest (work with an embroiderer to determine how you’ll license such an image) and their name, creating an unforgettable keepsake that will stay with them during their college career.


Commemorate Fall Traditions

As fall arrives across the country, a unique set of pastimes comes along with it: apple picking, hayrides, football tailgate season, playoff baseball, and many more! For many, these events are traditions spent with a close-knit crew of friends. How about helping that core group stand apart from others with customized sweatshirts? Make your tailgate compound the envy of those around you with screen printed full zip hoodies (so jerseys can be worn underneath), or consider a collection of reds, yellows, and greens for an annual apple picking outing.

If these traditions include travel or vacation of any kind, these sweatshirts could serve an additional purpose: group identification and “wrangling.” Large groups can often be difficult to keep together or keep track of; however, narrowing your search in a horde of people to a specific design or screen print can make that search for a missing member of the group far easier. In that moment, a sweatshirt can stop being a fashion statement and start being a life-saver!


Celebrate Homecoming Season

In keeping with the commemoration of fall traditions, homecoming and the festivities associated with it is one tradition that is particularly sentimental for many. Whether you’re hoping to cement the bonds of friendship with your core group at your current school, or planning a reunion of old friends to root for your alma mater, a customized sweatshirt to show your allegiances could help provide the additional group unity you’ve been searching for.

A gathering of friends, especially after years apart, is always something to celebrate. Why not supplement that celebration with a ready-made keepsake, one that will spark memories of the date in question with each subsequent wearing?

Not ready to commit to screen printing or embroidering for a group? That’s okay. If you have at one or two crafty friends in the group, there are a number of DIY ideas that can be created on these sweatshirts to outfit a group in style.  

Honor Family and Togetherness

With Thanksgiving to round out the fall season, it is a time that marks the kickoff of family season. Friends and family travel long distances to celebrate one another, and having something special to await someone who has traveled all day—something cozy and comfortable in which to do some hard-earned sleeping—would be so welcome.

Further, the sweatshirt collection could expand and “travel” (handed down to younger or smaller family members as children grow) as the group ages over time. Imagine such a progression, caught over years of family photos, changing throughout the years as individuals age, but ultimately held together with the constancy of a single line of sweatshirts.

For years to come, those sweatshirts could come to symbolize the bonds of a family—nuclear or chosen—that comes together one special weekend a year.

Of course, we always love to hear your ideas, so don’t let the brainstorming stop here. Let us know what fall festivities you’d make sweatshirts for! And, when you’re ready to place the orders that could start this process for your family or an eager client, our talented and thoughtful staff is ready to help you kick off fall in the right way!

The History of the V-Neck Shirt Sun, 11 Sep 2016 07:41:07 +0000 ]]> While T-shirts have been around since the late 19th to early 20th centuries, V-necks have only been around since about the 1960s.  They’ve particularly gained in popularity in men’s fashion in the past decade or so, now becoming just as much of a staple of men’s fashion as the traditional T-shirt.

Interestingly enough, traditional necklines – exemplified by a crew neck – and V-necks have created two camps of supporters in men’s fashion, with each side declaring that its own style is the best.  To get to the bottom of this, let’s check out why V-necks emerged, the fashion principles behind them, and whether or not they’re for you.


From T to V:

T-shirts are so named because of their shape, with the torso and arm portions forming the letter T.  Traditionally, these shirts have featured a rounded collar known as a crew neck, with this being the most enduring image associated with T-shirt styles.

Ironically, while t-shirts are a major staple of men’s fashion these days, coming in a variety of colors, patterns, and styles, when they first appeared as a piece of men’s clothing they were used as an undergarment.  Technically speaking, then, what we wear around town today would have been like wearing your underwear into your local grocery store back then.

T-shirts started becoming more of an all-day everyday piece of clothing in the 1940s and 1950s, especially after being worn in posters by military personnel and being seen on popular Hollywood actors of the time, such as Marlon Brando and James Dean.  At this point t-shirts were still commonly white and perhaps their sense of rugged daring came with a sense of still be associated with undergarments.  What else could seem more rebellious and different?

In the 1960s, with both WWII and the Korean War over with, all kinds of colors were coming into use now that industry didn’t have to deal with shortages and rations, and had the boom decade of the 1950s to invest in new designs, colors, and cuts.  By this time the traditional t-shirt needed some sprucing up – a little variation.  Hence, the birth of the V-neck and other styles of t-shirt.


Crew-neck vs V-neck:

V-necks have been a trendy choice of t-shirt ever since they were first used to hide the collar fabric when other shirts were worn over them.  Today V-necks are worn more commonly on their own and are appreciated because of their sculpted appearance.

They’re particularly adept at making your face seem longer and more angular, which is something that’s seen as desirable by many people.  Those with faces that are rounder or squarer look particularly nice in a V-neck because it makes it seem like their face is more oval or angular.  For those with a diamond shaped/angular face, having a V-neck could have you run the risk of making the face seem too long.

Apart from their ability to alter physical perception, many men like V-necks because they consider them to be a more modern take on traditional crew neck t-shirts.  Traditionalists, on the other hand, staunchly stand by crew necks and often denounce or deride V-necks and their wearers.

When you get down to the demographics of it, most of the men who enjoy wearing V-necks are those of younger generations, while many of the ones who tout the power of the crew neck are from older generations.

What’s for You?

No matter what one group or another has to say, clothing is and will always be about what expresses your personality and taste, along with what looks good on you.  Picking a t-shirt with a particular neckline doesn’t have to be about picking a side or making any particular kind of statement.  You can certainly have a preference for one or the other, but really, having a good selection of t-shirts with various necklines gives you far more versatility in what you’re wearing and the sort of impression you’re trying to make.

If anything, embracing a V-neck is simply living up to the example of the Marlon Bandos and James Deans of the world who were ready to embrace a new form of fashion that may have seemed shocking or ridiculous to others.  Plus, one might make the argument that, since crew neck tees are still popular as undergarment shirts, wearing them still runs the risk of making it seem like you just didn’t put much effort into your wardrobe.  Crew necks have been around for over a hundred years; maybe it’s time for the V to reign.

Great Custom Onesie Gift Ideas Sat, 10 Sep 2016 07:38:39 +0000 ]]> image1

Picking out a great baby gift, either for a baby shower or child’s birthday, can be a little daunting sometimes.  Just go to any children’s department in a clothing store, and you’ll find countless things to choose from.  Trying to sift through it all and make a decision about what will look cute or feel personal to the child and their parents can easily take the fun out of the gift giving process.

After all, babies just exemplify the idea of cuteness and humor, so why not take the opportunity to ensure that your gift has great impact?  If you’re onboard with the idea, here are some fantastic options for creating your own custom onesie that anyone would love to get as a baby gift.

Know Your Baby:

Creating a really great gift that means a lot to the one receiving it has everything to do with how personal and fun you can make it.  The best way to achieve this is to know a little about the baby in question and their parents.  In all honesty, the parents are the ones who are basically going to act as your audience; babies aren’t likely to pick up on witty humor and deep messages.

If you can find out about the quirks the baby has, or the particular ways that parents or other family members interact with him or her, then you’re likely to come across a gold mine of cute and unique ideas.  That being said, let’s get down to some ideas.

Animal Themes:

Cute animals and cute babies just go hand in hand, so why not create a onesie that transforms a cute baby into an adorable animal?  This can be a particularly great idea if the baby’s parents are really into animal themes for their child’s nursery or toys.  Of course, parents often give their babies animal nicknames, so this would make a great opportunity for you to create something special and memorable, both for the parents now and for the child when they grow up.

Customizing a onesie in order to create an animal-inspired outfit isn’t very difficult, either.  You’ll likely be focusing on creating a tail you can attach to the rear of the onesie, and a little hood that can resemble the head of whatever animal you’ve chosen.  Themed onesies like this are fairly popular, so you should have no trouble finding how-to instructions online for a variety of animals.  For some starter ideas, consider creatures like bears, monkeys, dinosaurs, sharks, and lions.


Graphics, Quotes, and More:

If you’re not particularly craft oriented and know that sewing something is out of your league, then don’t worry; print work has you covered.  Taking regular onesies and having them printed with a variety of graphics, designs, and sayings can turn out something fun that was also easy to make.

If you’re up to a hands-on approach, then you can search for stencils or transfer designs specifically for customizing clothing.  If you’re wanting something that really has a professional feel to it as well as a super customized print, then turning to a printing company is a good option.

Companies that specialize in clothing printing can offer you a variety of designs, mottos, and sayings to choose from, and most are able to work with you to create something a little more specific and unique.

Having print work done also gives you the added opportunity of having other apparel items made for the parents that match or complement the onesie.  This would end up being particularly cute for family photos.  If the baby has older siblings, then you could create a sibling themed clothing ensemble.  This would be a nice idea, especially considering that older siblings can feel excluded when a new baby comes into the household.

For some print ideas, you might go with a sports team you know the parents support, a nickname or endearing phrase you’ve either heard them use or have seen somewhere else, or even have favorite animals or cartoons printed.

Since babies grow so quickly and are soon moving on to larger sized onesies and eventually into separate clothing pieces exclusively, you might consider buying a selection of clothing pieces, and then having them customized with print options.

You could create a continual series, opt for creating a varied selection of unique baby clothes, or even focus on customizing just a couple of things, and then give the parents a few blank clothing items along with a design kit to create their own customized clothes.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: How to Choose the Perfect Hat Fri, 09 Sep 2016 07:36:50 +0000 ]]> image1

Hats are great ways to express your personal style, but when they come in so many different options, it can be dizzying to find the right one for you.  It can be even more difficult if you’re trying to find one that will be the perfect gift for someone else.  Whatever your hat buying needs, we’ll walk you through different styles for everyone and help you find something you’ll be completely thrilled with.

What Kind of Face Do You Have?

For most people who are out looking at hats, the only things they’re thinking about are whether or not the hat they’re considering fits and looks good.  The trick to making sure that a hat looks good on you, though, is taking into account the shape and size of your face/head.  Different face shapes are better complemented by certain cuts and styles of hat, as one type may look great, but another just seems out of proportion with your face.

Face shapes are categorized by diamond, round, oval, and square.  Diamond faces are those that have angular features, usually typified by wide cheekbones and a tapered chin.  Round faces are just that – round.  They’re neither long nor wide but even all the way round.  Oval faces, on the other hand, are longer than they are wide, while square faces feature strong jawlines and wide cheeks.  These shapes are important because wearing the wrong hat will inevitably emphasize your facial features in such a way that they seem overly pronounced.

Besides figuring out your face shape, you’ll also want to figure out the size of your head in order to find the perfect fit.  You can either use a measuring tape around the top of your head where the hat will rest, or you can use a piece of string by wrapping it around your head, and then holding it along a ruler.


Picking Your Style:

Some hats are more occasion specific, while others offer more versatility when it comes to style.  For example, a man’s top hat might look odd in an informal setting, even if it’s been designed as a modern, informal interpretation, whereas a woman’s sun hat may seem out of place in the middle of December.  Other hats, like men’s caps and women’s berets, offer a little more versatility, thus offering style that can be worn on a more day to day basis.

Now, the true trick to finding the perfect hat comes when you put together your knowledge of face shapes with your understanding of what style works for what moment.  For example, strong, square shaped faces do best with floppier, less rigid hats.  Rigid hats with prominent profiles and cuts can have the tendency to make square faces seem more severe.

Knowing what shapes and cuts work best for you then enables you to narrow down your search to a few specific options.  Once you’ve narrowed down your list of possible candidates, you can pay more attention to things like where you’ll be wearing your hat, as well as the colors, patterns, and textures that you like.

Playing with color and texture can be particularly fun, as it allows you to create more style expressions even if you’re keeping to just a couple of hat shapes.  When you have an array of colors, patterns, and textures, it creates the impression – both for you and for those seeing you – that each hat is totally different, and reflective of particular moods and overall fashion styles.

Creating a Hat:

There’s no need to limit yourself to what you find in a store or online.  Having a hat made specifically for you is the ultimate way of achieving hat perfection.  You can certainly find retailers – especially those that specialize in hats – that will make you any kind of custom creation you could want.  This option is obviously going to be more expensive, but it allows you the rare opportunity to really take something expressive and have it truly represent you.

Besides having a hat made, you can also have hats customized through printing.  Many people like to order wholesale hats like baseball caps, visors, and anything else, and have them printed with a specific logo, motto, family name, or team name.  Such hats are great for family reunions and sports teams, as well as social clubs.  Perhaps you and a group of friends have a golf group, book club, or cycling group – no matter what it is, you can use printing companies to create something that the whole group can enjoy.

T-Shirt Fabrics That Last the Longest Wed, 07 Sep 2016 07:34:20 +0000 ]]> image1

Comfort and style are obviously important when it comes to clothing, but durability is every bit as crucial.  There’s not much point in buying something that looks and feels great if just a couple of weeks later it’s ready for the trash can.

Plus, you have to take into account what you’ll be doing with the clothing – maybe you’re looking to have something printed on it – and the situations you’ll be in while wearing it.  T-shirts, for example, can be tricky to get right, so we’ll walk you through what fabrics you can look for and their differences, thus helping you find something you can look great in for a long time.

Your T-shirt’s Purpose:

When buying t-shirts, it’s important to keep in mind the sort of things you’ll be putting them through.  Picking a fabric that’s going to hold up for quite some time has a lot to do with the situations you’re going to expose it to.

Certain fabrics that would be fine if you’re just wearing a shirt for casual situations might not be so durable if you’re really into activities like outdoor sports or painting.  If you’re looking for t-shirts that you can wear for work, and know that you’re going to be kind of rough on them, then you definitely want to have this in mind when looking for the best fabrics.

Cotton Fabrics:

Cotton is an extremely popular choice of fabric for most people, due to its level of comfort.  While it is comfortable, cotton can also be very durable and resilient.  Cheaper cotton fabrics are less likely to be particularly durable, but as you work your way up the cost ladder, cotton fabrics become not only more durable but also softer – a double bonus!


Combed cotton and pima cotton are both great options for a combined durability/softness quality.  Combed cotton is cotton that has been combed before it’s been made into yarn.  This process removes the short strands and takes out any kinks, thus making the material more durable.  Pima cotton is produced from very long cotton fibers that, like combed cotton, make them soft and durable.  This cotton is also more resilient in terms of retaining color and shape – so no stretching.


This synthetic fabric – made from plastics – is extremely strong and long-lasting.  Polyester resists tearing and wrinkling, and isn’t likely to get a mildew smell as it’s a fast-drying material.  T-shirts that shrink in the wash or which get stretched out are big annoyances – especially if you’ve spent a good bit of money on them.

Polyester is a worry-free fabric, in this regard, as it keeps its shape after multiple washes and uses.  Whereas cotton has a tendency to fade over time, polyester retains its color much longer.


Rayon is another man-made fiber, but whereas polyester is made from plastics, rayon is made from a combination of plant-based materials.  It keeps its shape well and is similar in durability to polyester.  However, it has a leg up on polyester because it breathes, whereas polyester is known to be thick, making it uncomfortable to wear in the summer.

Cotton/Synthetic Blends:

If you like the feel and breezy nature of cotton, but want something a bit more durable, then a blend might be the right option for you.  Cotton/polyester blends are perhaps the most common type out there, but you’ll also often find a combination of cotton/polyester/rayon, with ratios in that order as well.

If you want something that feels more comfortable, then you definitely want a blend that has a higher cotton content, whereas if durability is really what you’re needing, then look for a blend that has a synthetic as the leading fiber.

Printing Options:

If you’re looking for blank t-shirts that you can print logos or designs on, then of course fabric type is going to be important to you.  While you do want to consider comfort and overall durability, you also want to take into consideration print durability.  100% cotton tends to be the type that most printers suggest using, as it tends to absorb the ink well without the same tendency to bleed together or run that blended shirts can have.  Keep in mind, though, that print companies may buy from various manufacturers that produce a variety of shirt types.  To figure out what your best option may be when taking into consideration their buying and printing methods, contact the printer and see what they would recommend for your printing project.

Back to School: Comfiest Uniform Shirts Tue, 06 Sep 2016 07:33:45 +0000 ]]> image1

A new school year is approaching, and that means finding new clothes to get your kids through this next year.  For kids required to wear uniforms, finding clothing that’s both comfortable and affordable can be tricky.  To get you through these back to school days without all of the headache, check out these tips and bits of advice for finding the best uniform shirts for all age groups.

Get Your Planning Done:

If you’re really looking to find the best quality apparel for your budget, then planning ahead is really going to pay off.  Some schools can be pretty strict when it comes to their uniforms, from the enforcement of the dress code all the way to where you can buy everything.  Others aren’t really concerned whether or not you buy from the school’s official uniform store, and this is going to give you some leeway.

First and foremost, check out as many retailers as possible before you commit to anything.  Going from store to store might not sound like something you want to do, but you can be pretty quick about it and don’t really need to have the kids with you.  Simply check out prices, see what kind of stock stores have (it might be better to buy from a retailer that continuously puts uniform clothes on sale), and then figure out where your best options are.

Shop Smart, Not Hard:

Try to get your uniform shopping out of the way as soon as you can.  Trying to navigate stores a couple of weeks before school starts is just going to be a nightmare.  Don’t forget about your online options, either.  Purchasing online can be a real breeze, and you can find some great deals.  Look for stores that specialize in great uniform clothes, as this is going to make it more likely that you’re going to get something of quality that’s going to last.


Shirts are something to pay particular attention to, because they’re not only the most visible item of clothing your child will wear, but can also turn out to be one of the most uncomfortable.  Pay attention to the material that they’re made out of, as you want to go for something that not only feels nice against the skin, but will also either breathe well in warm weather or keep them warm in winter.

Since kids grow fast, you might consider buying a few of their current sizes, and then a couple of the next size up.  This will help make sure that when clothing starts to get too snug and grow uncomfortable, you’ve already got something waiting to replace it with.

Be Selective:

When you’re looking at the list of items that the school requires/allows students to wear, remember that you don’t necessarily have to buy everything.  Consider what you know your kids wear on a regular basis and focus there.  When it comes to accessories and certain types of apparel, like jackets, that they might wear, you could buy one or two things to see if they’ll use them consistently.  If so, then you can always buy more later.

The Right Use:

Keep in mind the things your kids will be doing in the clothes you get them.  For situations like P.E. and sports activities, you might want to focus on shirts and other apparel that aren’t too constraining and which will breathe well.  This will help them move as they need to and also reduce how sweaty the clothes get.  After all, the ability to keep clothing clean and have it last long is going to be just as important as comfort.  For clothing that’s going to get more wear, look for those that have material that’s durable as well as easy to clean, like cotton.

Get Creative:

You may find that you don’t need to go out and buy as much as originally thought.  Many pieces of clothing can still be worn with a little adjusting of hems and buttons.  If your kids particularly like these clothing items and have them worn in comfortably, then this is certainly going to be a bonus.


Talk to the parents of your kid’s friends or friends of the family that may have the same kinds of uniform clothes.  It’s likely that some of the clothing items haven’t even been worn, or that those that have don’t really show any signs of wear and tear.  Remember, finding the right kind of clothes that fit everyone’s needs is all about keeping your options open and being willing to try different things.

Will T-Shirt Manufacturing Return to America? Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:14:29 +0000 ]]> Is t-shirt manufacturing coming back to the USA? In our opinion, the answer is some of it. We believe that low cost manufacturing countries such as Honduras, Haiti, El Salvador, Mexico and of course China will always get a large share of US apparel manufacturing. However, there is becoming a more and more compelling argument to bring manufacturing back. Here are 4 reasons why:

1. Automation– The rise in technology has made apparel manufacturing more and more automated so less people are required which cuts down on labor costs. Back in the 1980’s when basically all apparel manufacturing was done here, human capital was one of the largest expenses. Now robots and other technological advances can really cut down on costs. We understand this will not help job growth in the USA, but it would bring manufacturing back.

2. Rise of Chinese Labor and Transportation Costs– Over the past decade, US labor costs have remained relatively flat while Chinese labor costs continue to rise. If this pattern continues the savings from manufacturing overseas will continue to dissipate and more manufacturing will be brought back home. Additionally, transportation costs have risen in China. Here in the US, gas prices are at record lows which means even more savings.

3. Flexibility– In today’s apparel market, fashion trends are changing at a greater pace than ever. That means retailers need to be able to change directions quickly based on consumers tastes. Making huge production runs overseas with long lead times is not what many retailers are looking for. Also ecommerce does not require companies to take as large of inventory positions as traditional retailing. For these reasons, manufacturing closer to home just makes sense.

4. Made in the USA – The good ol’ “Made in the USA” stamp in a t-shirt still means something to consumers. People are patriotic and are proud to wear t-shirts made on their home soil. In fact, studies show a certain amount of people are even willing to pay more for shirts made in the USA.

For these reasons (and many others) you can make a compelling argument that, to some degree, manufacturing will return home. However, we believe that on many basic items like plain white t-shirts, it still makes sense to produce abroad.

What is lift gate service and do I need it with my bulk t-shirt orders? Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:33:37 +0000 ]]> liftgate2-225x300For shoppers who order very large quantities of bulk shirts, cheap t-shirt wholesalers like the Adair Group oftentimes offer to deliver the shirts directly to your home or place of business by a privately contracted truck. These deliveries are made on pallets, which is why the lift gate is sometimes needed.

But what is a lift gate? A lift gate is a device on the back of a truck that operates by mechanically raising and lowering goods, and is ideal for delivering heavy items.

The Adair Group only uses pallet shipping and lift gate deliveries for orders in excess of 500 pounds– which is 1,333 Small shirts or 842 XXX-Large cheap T-shirts. Though freight carriers will often charge a small accessorial fee, it’s still less than shipping by UPS ground– and makes the delivery of your bulk t-shirts quick and easy.

For more information about ordering bulk t-shirts, check out our resources or browse our selection of discount t-shirts.

Are many shirts made in the USA? Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:31:48 +0000 ]]> 5000_folded_indigoblue_MS05“Are many t-shirts made in the USA?”

With the exception of brands like American Apparel, most t-shirt mills do most– if not all– of their manufacturing outside of the United States.  In fact, the majority of clothing that is sold today in America is made abroad.

Many of the nation’s top t-shirt mills, such as Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, Gildan, and so on, have outsourced the bulk of their manufacturing to Latin American (and occasionally even Asian) facilities. Some of the common countries for manufacturing latin america include Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, and so on.

The president of The Adair Group has been down to Honduras, and knows firsthand that t-shirt manufacturing is serious business down there. The international t-shirts mill have terrific facilities, and a workforce willing to work for far less money than Americans will. This makes it easier for mills to produce more for less, making for a less costly product stateside.

Most t-shirt manufactured abroad are made in countries that are geographically very close to the USA. Closer proximity makes for a quick turnaround time on production, and reduces freight costs as well. While countries in the far east can produce tees for an even lower price, the longer turnaround time makes manufacturing clothing in Asia less desirable.

While there are certainly brands that make clothing here in the USA, if it’s cheap t-shirts that you want, you’re buying goods that have almost certainly been made abroad.

What is closeout and why should I buy it? Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:22:00 +0000 ]]> Many cheap t-shirt wholesalers offer closeout t-shirts to their customers at incredibly low prices. But what does that mean, and why are closeout t-shirts so inexpensive?


When a t-shirt manufacturer decides to discontinue a color or even an entire product category, there is generally a large number of excess shirts left in the factories or warehouses that the mills are unable to sell. Just because the product has been discontinued doesn’t mean it’s undesirable– it may be that the color wasn’t selling well, or even that the company decided to slightly tweak the shade of the product.

Either way, warehouses and factories are always looking for a large buyer, such as a t-shirt wholesaler, to come take the excess stock off their hands so they can speed up production. Plus, those shirts take up a lot of space, and factories are glad to get the product gone.

When cheap t-shirt wholesalers buy up huge selections of closeout product, they are able to do to for cents on the dollar, and pass that savings along to their customers. But buying closeout goods for cheap means that  you not only have a higher profit margin, but can better weather surges in cotton prices.

Within the past few years, both China and Pakistan have been hit hard by sever weather that impacted those countries’ cotton crops– and, as most of the world’s cotton is grown in those two countries, there has been a recent upswing in the price of cotton. However, for cheap t-shirt wholesalers like the Adair Group, or for retailers who buy much of their stock from closeouts, prices on stock can remain lower due to those large profit margins created by sales of closeout goods.
